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Great game for families, seminary and ANYONE! Based on October 2017 General Conference Talks
Audio recording by Debra Woods of "The Living Christ - The Testimony of the Apostles"
Great Ice Breaker for a Christmas Party
Great Ice Breaker for a Bridal Shower or Valentines Party
Ideas for Ice Breakers at a Party!
A chart showing annual statistics for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced at General Conference each April since 2003
Match the pictures of general church leaders who may speak in conference with their name, organization, session and topic.
Our famous Jeopardy game based on the current general conference will be available Sunday evening!
Learn the names of the apostles in order, including the 3 newest additions! NOW IN SPANISH!
Great game to review General Conference - created new each conference and available the Sunday evening of General Conference weekend
On this historic occasion, use this fun activity page to commemorate and get to know the new apostles as they are sustained at General Conference!
Here’s a possible idea for a stake Super Saturday activity.
“I Am A Child of God” in Hebrew: “Ani Ben Elohim”
Several ideas for a Seminary Sacrament Meeting
The O.T. does not have to be boring. Here's how.
You can lay the groundwork for a successful norm setting session by including the parents in the group who participate in making your efforts successful.
We do Seminary Sundae about a month before seminary starts on a Sunday evening. This year we’ll include a video made by a couple of our students showing other seminary students talking about the Old Testament.
I do a Seminary Sundae as a Sunday evening fireside with parents and students just before we start seminary and school.
A 1998 Ensign article may help you prepare information to present in your parents meeting
This activity is a great break from the routine this time of year.
This is my third year to have a Freshbucks Rally & Auction. It’s my March enthusiasm infusion.
With the permission of the students, I challenged one of the other wards in the area to an old fashion scripture bowl.
January always seems to start the seminary doldrums when it is the darkest, coldest, ‘earliest’ part of the year, and we are all searching for something to liven up our teaching. I used a fun approach today called, “Prove it Wrong.”
Tell the class that there could be one of two things in it- a class assignment or a treat. They can choose whether or not they want to open the box, but they have to choose to open the box to find out what’s in it, and if it is an assignment they have to do it.
Some wintertime lesson ideas specifically for D&C
I have used “March Madness” for the past few years as a review tool and way for my kids to earn seminary bucks for our year-end auction.
100 D&C Review Questions
Some fun ideas for prizes or auction items
I have a jar of questions for Spring Fever and teams. My Spring Fever starts February 1 and runs until Spring Break.
For the past few years we did a scripture mastery/chase game that I made up (to wake them up) called March Madness. We did this during the March Madness basketball tournament. It's fun and you can slip it in with as little or as much time as you have. You can use this with SM chases.
Based on the 12 Tribes of Israel Symbols – includes 12 team logos, 12 team pennants, 12 team balls and MORE!
My goal is to have a 15-20 minute lesson which will leave 15-20 minutes of March Madness Games.
A fun way to incorporate March Madness into your teaching
Here is my list of crazy points tasks for March Madness. I will cut them in strips in put them in a jar.
Use this list for guessing games such as printing these items on labels that you put on people’s backs as they enter a party. They have to ask yes/no questions to others to guess what is on their label. A great ice breaker.
This idea was presented at one of our in services as an activity to help build class unity and provide a means for students to bond as a group of LDS youth.
A fun way to get your students involved
This makes a fun icebreaker for a party. Make labels and as people enter, put a label on their back. They have to ask other people “yes and no” questions to identify the name on their back.
My class plays “Steal Your Heart Away” – corny, but fun.
Another Heart idea for Valentine’s Day is to bake heart shaped sugar cookies. The students will love it because it is food with a meaning!
I did a different type of scripture chase this morning that went along with Valentine’s Day and was kind of fun.
I got the idea for a Valentine’s day activity from a student devotional earlier this week. He first read Section 137:7-10 where the phrase “desires of their hearts” caught my attention, that that is how we will be judged.
A great way to incorporate Valentines into your Seminary lessons
Every February, I put a different quote each day on the chalkboard that has a “heart” in it. For all the emphasis of “giving” our “hearts” away during this month, it occurred to me that it was particularly applicable.
The students right down on paper some “heart attacks” (or random acts of kindness). We put them in a big Valentine Heart Box. Draw one out every day to do.
This is a fun scripture mastery game that we like to do the week of Valentine’s Day.
A great article by Elder M. Russell Ballard
A fun holiday game your students will love
We played a game today for Valentine’s day — you may be able to use this on Friday for “game day” if you have it.
A fun Valentine's Matching Game
Fun Valentine's Day activities
Activity with six stations assigned one of the six “Be’s” from President Hinckley’s 12 November 2000 Fireside talk
The November 1998 "Friend" magazine has a wonderful Sharing Time discussion and activity, along with a visual aid, on the subject of gratitude.
I use this every year for Thanksgiving. You could make a cute skit or use with any lesson.
If you don’t mind competition in your classroom, then read on. This was given to me by my CES Supervisor a few years back and it seems to be fun.
On the last day of class before the holidays, I am going to have a gratitude breakfast.
Sit around a “campfire” and have a Thankful camping experience with your class.
It used to be a tradition in our building to hold Turkey Bowl scripture mastery competition between the 4 classes. The game we used has nothing to do with Thanksgiving so it can be used any time of the year, whenever you’d like to have all the kids get together.
A fun way to review with your students
Thanksgiving is such a wonderful–and occasionally overlooked — time of year! Perhaps you might enjoy the gratitude idea that I will be using with my class during the weeks preceding Thanksgiving.
Lesson ideas about expressing gratitude
Have your students give thanks as they sit around a "fire".
Please enjoy these fun Thanksgiving coloring pages and puzzle designed by Daryl Colson.
Many exciting ideas to celebrate Halloween with your class
Fun games for a Halloween Scripture Mastery Party
For Halloween, we played a fun game.
Here’s my classes favorite trick or treat Scripture Chase we do every year that they just love that I thought I’d share (it’s evolved and not my original idea).
Your students will enjoy this fun Halloween activity.
This is a cute devotional for the Halloween season. Make an analogy between cleaning out a pumpkin and putting a light in it to cleansing out our “inner man” before the light of Christ can shine from us.
A fun Halloween Scripture Mastery activity
This activity requires some kind of a fake pumpkin, something that can be thrown without risk of harm to the building or the students. At times you can find cloth bean bags or foam pumpkins.
This is a variation of the Scripture Mastery Basketball game.
This is a simple activity that could be done in the classroom.
A fun Halloween Scripture Mastery to be done in the dark. We did ours outside, and so I encouraged the students to bring a flashlight.
Have your students carve a scripture mastery into their construction paper pumpkins.
Here is a set of cute epitaphs on tombstones to go with scripture mastery.
Tombstone inscriptions for each of the 25 BM scripture mastery verses.
Do an Easter Egg Hunt with your scripture mastery verses.
For Easter, our class is going to discuss some of the symbols associated with Christ’s life, holy places, the Atonement, & the Resurrection.
This makes a fun devotional or FHE for the Easter Season, and may become a tradition for your family as it has ours.
A wonderful Easter video
A Easter poem that includes Jelly Beans. What could be better?
In the New Era, April 1994, I found a “puzzlement” called “Jesus’ Last Days“, which I plan to use as a review of the Crucifixion and Resurrection during the week before Easter.
An intriguing variation on Easter egg hunts
Easter lesson ideas
Teach faith and cooperation with an Easter egg hunt.
This is an advent calendar counting down the days to the Lord’s Second Coming.
Three lesson ideas to use at Christmas time
Here are some additional clues for the Stocking Unstuffer SM Game above. These should work just great. Of course you can always use these hymn clues in another game.
I have done this for three years and the students love hearing about themselves. The last day of the seminary, I did baby Jesus and also Mary, the mother of Jesus. I even put my own picture up–taken several centuries ago, of course.
For an inexpensive gift we gave our students Hershey Bars, along with this poem.
A low-cost gift idea for your student
During the Christmas break, we choose one day and hold a winter seminary event for 5 hours.
A Reader’s Theater about Christmas in the Americas
For Christmas, we made a Scripture Mastery Advent Calendar. Under each flap was a word associated with Christmas (star, tree, present, manger, red/green, etc.)