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This activity is a great break from the routine this time of year.
This is my third year to have a Freshbucks Rally & Auction. It’s my March enthusiasm infusion.
With the permission of the students, I challenged one of the other wards in the area to an old fashion scripture bowl.
January always seems to start the seminary doldrums when it is the darkest, coldest, ‘earliest’ part of the year, and we are all searching for something to liven up our teaching. I used a fun approach today called, “Prove it Wrong.”
Tell the class that there could be one of two things in it- a class assignment or a treat. They can choose whether or not they want to open the box, but they have to choose to open the box to find out what’s in it, and if it is an assignment they have to do it.
Some wintertime lesson ideas specifically for D&C