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Doctrine & Covenants


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  Doctrine and Covenants and Church History
  Intro to the D&C and Church History Seminary Teacher Manual  
Lesson 1 The Plan of Salvation LDV HELPS
Lesson 2 Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants
Title Page, Explanatory Intro, Chronological Order of Sections

Lesson 3 The Great Apostasy LDV HELPS
Lesson 4 Doctrine and Covenants 1 -Warnings - Restoration LDV HELPS
Lesson 5 Studying the Scriptures LDV HELPS
Home-Study The Plan of Salvation–Studying the Scriptures (Unit 1)  
Lesson 6 Joseph Smith—History 1:1–20 - First Vision LDV HELPS
Lesson 7 The Role of the Learner LDV HELPS
Lesson 8 Joseph Smith—History 1:21–26 - Persecution LDV HELPS
Lesson 9 Joseph Smith—History 1:27–54; D&C 2 Moroni visits LDV HELPS
Lesson 10 Joseph Smith—History 1:55–65 Joseph Receives the Plates LDV HELPS
Home-Study Joseph Smith—History 1:1–65; D&C 2 (Unit 2)
Lesson 11 Doctrine and Covenants 3  Lost Manuscript LDV HELPS
Lesson 12 Doctrine and Covenants 10  Translation recommences LDV HELPS
Lesson 13 Doctrine and Covenants 4 Joseph Smith Sr. called to serve LDV HELPS
Lesson 14 Doctrine and Covenants 5 Martin could be one of the 3 Witnesses LDV HELPS
Lesson 15 JS—History 1:66–67; D&C 6–7 Oliver Cowdery Scribes LDV HELPS
Home-Study D&C 3–7; 10; Joseph Smith—History 1:66–67 (Unit 3)  
Lesson 16 Doctrine and Covenants 8 - Oliver and revelation LDV HELPS
Lesson 17 Doctrine and Covenants 9 - additional counsel about revelation LDV HELPS
Lesson 18 Doctrine and Covenants 11–12 - establishing Zion LDV HELPS
Lesson 19 JS—History 1:68–75; D&C 13 Restoration of Aaronic PH LDV HELPS
Lesson 20 Doctrine and Covenants 14–16 revelation to the Whitmers LDV HELPS
Home-Study D&C 8–9; 11–16; Joseph Smith—History 1:68–75 (Unit 4)  
Lesson 21 Doctrine and Covenants 17 Three witnesses - bearing witness LDV HELPS
Lesson 22 D&C 18:1–16 Melchizedek PH - cry repentance LDV HELPS
Lesson 23 D&C 18:17–47 the name of Christ's church - Apostles LDV HELPS
Lesson 24 D&C 19:1–22 Jesus Christ obeys - Jesus Christ as Judge LDV HELPS
Lesson 25 D&C 19:23–41 Printing the Book of Mormon LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 17–19 (Unit 5)  
Lesson 26 D&C 20:1–36 Establish Church - Book of Mormon's role LDV HELPS
Lesson 27 D&C 20:38–67 Priesthood duties set forth LDV HELPS
Lesson 28 D&C 20:37, 68–84 Baptism and the Sacrament LDV HELPS
Lesson 29 Doctrine and Covenants 21 Organization of the Church LDV HELPS
Lesson 30 D&C 22–23 Mode of Baptism.  Personal guidance LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 20–23 (Unit 6)  
Lesson 31 D&C 24 and 26 Lord's instruction for Joseph and Oilver LDV HELPS
Lesson 32 Doctrine and Covenants 25 Emma Smith LDV HELPS


Lessons 33-64

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Lesson 33 Doctrine and Covenants 27 Armor of God LDV HELPS
Lesson 34 Doctrine and Covenants 28 Order of Revelation LDV HELPS
Lesson 35 Doctrine and Covenants 29:1–29 Gathering of Elect LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 24–29:30 (Unit 7)  
Lesson 36 Doctrine and Covenants 29:30–50 Fall & Atonement LDV HELPS
Lesson 37 Doctrine and Covenants 30 Revelation to Whitmers LDV HELPS
Lesson 38 Doctrine and Covenants 31–32 Missionary Work LDV HELPS
Lesson 39 Doctrine and Covenants 33–34 Preaching Gospel LDV HELPS
Lesson 40 Doctrine and Covenants 35 Sidney Rigdon LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 29:31–50; 30–35 (Unit 8)  
Lesson 41 D&C 36–37 Edward Partridge, move to Ohio LDV HELPS
Lesson 42 Doctrine and Covenants 38:1–16 Gather to Ohio LDV HELPS
Lesson 43 D&C 38:17–42 Millennial blessings, why Ohio? LDV HELPS
Lesson 44 Doctrine and Covenants 39–40 James Covel LDV HELPS
Lesson 45 At the Ohio - Kirtland Overview LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 36–40; At the Ohio (Unit 9)  
Lesson 46 Doctrine and Covenants 41 Houses and Provisions LDV HELPS
Lesson 47 D&C 42:1–29 The Law of the Church - teach LDV HELPS
Lesson 48 Doctrine and Covenants 42:30–42 Law of Consecration LDV HELPS 
Lesson 49 Doctrine and Covenants 42:43–93 Death and Healing LDV HELPS
Lesson 50 D&C 43–44 Avoiding Deception-priesthood instruction LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 41–44 (Unit 10)  
Lesson 51 Doctrine and Covenants 45:1–15 Role of Jesus Christ LDV HELPS
Lesson 52 Doctrine and Covenants 45:16–59 Prior to His Coming LDV HELPS
Lesson 53 D&C 45:60–75 Gathering to Zion - NT translation LDV HELPS
Lesson 54 Doctrine and Covenants 46 Church Meetings/Gifts of the Spirit LDV HELPS
Lesson 55 Doctrine and Covenants 47–48 Church Recorder/Assist Others LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 45–48 (Unit 11)  
Lesson 56 Doctrine and Covenants 49 Preaching to the Shakers LDV HELPS
Lesson 57 D&C 50 Teach and receive the gospel by the Spirit of truth LDV HELPS
Lesson 58 D&C 51–52 Temporal needs/Follow instructions/Avoid deception LDV HELPS
Lesson 59 D&C 53–55 Instructions to individuals about their callings LDV HELPS
Lesson 60 Doctrine and Covenants 56 Humility and Obedience LDV HELPS
Home-Study Doctrine and Covenants 49–56 (Unit 12)  
Lesson 61 The Center Place of Zion LDV HELPS
Lesson 62 Doctrine and Covenants 57 Location and establishment of Zion LDV HELPS
Lesson 63 D&C 58:1–33 Be faithful in tribulations/use agency for good LDV HELPS
Lesson 64 Doctrine and Covenants 58:34–65 Law of Consecration in Zion LDV HELPS


Lessons 65-96

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Lesson 65 D&C 59 Lords expectations for saints in Zion/Keep Sabbath LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 57–59 (Unit 13)  
Lesson 66 D&C 60–62 Preach as you travel and other counsel LDV HELPS
Lesson 67 D&C 63:1–21 consequences of wickedness and rebellion LDV HELPS
Lesson 68 D&C 63:22–66 blessings to faithful/dangers of pride/sacredness LDV HELPS
Lesson 69 D&C 64:1–19 Lord forgives his servants LDV HELPS
Lesson 70 D&C 64:20–43 sacrifice required/establishing Zion LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 60–64 (Unit 14)  
Lesson 71 D&C 65 Gospel to every nation/pray for growth of church LDV HELPS
Lesson 72 Doctrine and Covenants 66 William E. McClellen LDV HELPS
Lesson 73 Doctrine and Covenants 67 language of the revelations LDV HELPS
Lesson 74 Doctrine and Covenants 68 Counsel in Hiram, Ohio LDV HELPS
Lesson 75 Doctrine and Covenants 69–71 The Book of Commandments LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 65–71 (Unit 15)  
Lesson 76 D&C 72–74 Bishop Whitney/Bible translation/infant baptism LDV HELPS
Lesson 77 Doctrine and Covenants 75 Revelation to missionaries LDV HELPS
Lesson 78 Doctrine and Covenants 76:1–19 Overview of "The Vision" LDV HELPS
Lesson 79 D&C 76:20–49 Premortal Council/Lucifer cast out/Sons of Perdition LDV HELPS
Lesson 80 D&C 76:50–80 Celestial and terrestrial kingdoms LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 72–76:80 (Unit 16)  
Lesson 81 Doctrine and Covenants 76:81–119 Telestial kingdom LDV HELPS
Lesson 82 Doctrine and Covenants 77 Symbolism in the book of Revelation LDV HELPS
Lesson 83 D&C 78–80 The "United Firm"/call of missionaries LDV HELPS
Lesson 84 Doctrine and Covenants 81 The First Presidency LDV HELPS
Lesson 85 Doctrine and Covenants 82–83 Care of poor and widows LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 76:81–119; 77–83 (Unit 17)  
Lesson 86 D&C 84:1–44 Priesthood as preparation for heaven LDV HELPS
Lesson 87 D&C 84:43–61 Heed the word of God/Value Book of Mormon LDV HELPS 
Lesson 88 D&C 84:62–120 Apostles/Priesthood to preach the gospel LDV HELPS
Lesson 89 D&C 85–86 Consecration/Parable of Wheat and Tares LDV HELPS
Lesson 90 D&C 87 Wars and Judgements poured out in last days LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson D&C 84–87 (Unit 18)  
Lesson 91 D&C 88:1–40 Lord is Light that governs all things-His Law LDV HELPS
Lesson 92 D&C 88:41–69 how God governs His creations LDV HELPS
Lesson 93 Doctrine and Covenants 88:70–117 The Second Coming LDV HELPS
Lesson 94 Doctrine and Covenants 88:118–141 The School of the Prophets LDV HELPS
Lesson 95 Doctrine and Covenants 89 Word of Wisdom LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 88–89 (Unit 19)  
Lesson 96 D&C 90–92 First Presidency/Apocrypha/United Firm LDV HELPS


Lessons 97-128

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Lesson 97 D&C 93:1–20 Instructions on Worship LDV HELPS
Lesson 98 D&C 93:21–53 Pre-existence LDV HELPS
Lesson 99 D&C 94–96 Instructions regarding Kirtland LDV HELPS
Lesson 100 D&C 97 Missouri School of Elders LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson D&C 90–97 (Unit 20)  
Lesson 101 D&C 98:1–22 Dealing with Persecution LDV HELPS
Lesson 102 D&C 98:23–48 Responding to Enemies LDV HELPS
Lesson 103 D&C 99–100 Missionary Training LDV HELPS
Lesson 104 D&C 101:1–16 Why We have Trials LDV HELPS
Lesson 105 D&C 101:17–42 Conditions of the Millennium LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson D&C 98–101:42 (Unit 21)  
Lesson 106 D&C 101:43–101 Parable of the Nobleman and the Olive Tree LDV HELPS
Lesson 107 D&C 102 The first High Council LDV HELPS
Lesson 108 D&C 103 The Redemption of Zion - Zion's Camp LDV HELPS
Lesson 109 D&C 104 The United Order LDV HELPS
Lesson 110 D&C 105 The Redemption of Zion Delayed LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 101:43–101; 102–105 (Unit 22)  
Lesson 111 D&C 106:1–107:20 Priesthood Keys LDV HELPS
Lesson 112 D&C 107:21–38 Presiding Quorums LDV HELPS
Lesson 113 D&C 107:39–100 Conferring Priesthood from father to son LDV HELPS
Lesson 114 D&C 108 Spiritual Promptings - Seeking Revelation LDV HELPS
Lesson 115 D&C 137 Vision of the celestial kingdom LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 106–108; 137 (Unit 23)  
Lesson 116 D&C 109:1–46 Kirtland Temple Dedicatory Prayer LDV HELPS
Lesson 117 D&C 109:47–80 Kirtland Temple Dedicatory Prayer Part II LDV HELPS
Lesson 118 D&C 110 Heavenly Beings Appear in the Kirtland Temple LDV HELPS
Lesson 119 D&C 111 Counsel on debt LDV HELPS
Lesson 120 D&C 112 Thomas B. Marsh LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 109–112 (Unit 24)  
Lesson 121 The Church Moves to Northern Missouri LDV HELPS
Lesson 122 D&C 113–114 Isaiah, David Patten LDV HELPS
Lesson 123 D&C 115–116 Church Name, Adam-ondi-ahman LDV HELPS
Lesson 124 D&C 117–118  Wrapping up in Kirtland LDV HELPS
Lesson 125 D&C 119–120 Tithing LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson D&C 113–120 (Unit 25)  
Lesson 126 D&C 121:1–10; 122 From Liberty Jail LDV HELPS
Lesson 127 D&C 121:11–33 The wicked and valiant LDV HELPS
Lesson 128 D&C 121:34–46 Power & Authority of Priesthd LDV HELPS


Lessons 129-160


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Lesson 129 D&C 123 From Liberty Jail - document persecution LDV HELPS
Lesson 130 The Establishment of Nauvoo LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson D&C 121–123; the Establishment of Nauvoo (Unit 26)  
Lesson 131 Doctrine and Covenants 124:1–21 LDV HELPS
Lesson 132 Doctrine and Covenants 124:22–83 LDV HELPS
Lesson 133 Doctrine and Covenants 124:84–145; 125–126 LDV HELPS
Lesson 134 Doctrine and Covenants 127; 128:1–11 LDV HELPS
Lesson 135 Doctrine and Covenants 128:12–25 LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 124–128 (Unit 27)  
Lesson 136 Doctrine and Covenants 129; 130:1–11, 22–23 LDV HELPS
Lesson 137 Doctrine and Covenants 130:12–21 LDV HELPS
Lesson 138 Doctrine and Covenants 131 LDV HELPS
Lesson 139 Doctrine and Covenants 132:3–33 LDV HELPS
Lesson 140 Doctrine and Covenants 132:1–2, 34–66 LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 129–131; 132:1–33 (Unit 28)  
Lesson 141 Doctrine and Covenants 133:1–35 LDV HELPS
Lesson 142 Doctrine and Covenants 133:36–74 LDV HELPS
Lesson 143 Doctrine and Covenants 134 LDV HELPS
Lesson 144 Doctrine and Covenants 135, Part 1 LDV HELPS
Lesson 145 Doctrine and Covenants 135, Part 2 LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson Doctrine and Covenants 133–135 (Unit 29)  
Lesson 146 Succession in the Presidency LDV HELPS
Lesson 147 Leaving Nauvoo LDV HELPS
Lesson 148 The Trek across Iowa; D&C 136:1–18 LDV HELPS
Lesson 149 Doctrine and Covenants 136:19–42 LDV HELPS
Lesson 150 Handcart Pioneers, 1856–1860 LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson (Unit 30)  
Lesson 151 The Utah War and the Mountain Meadows Massacre LDV HELPS
Lesson 152 The Coming Forth of the Pearl of Great Price LDV HELPS
Lesson 153 Official Dec 1 and the Cont Dev of Temple Work LDV HELPS
Lesson 154 Doctrine and Covenants 138:1–24, 38–50 LDV HELPS
Lesson 155 Doctrine and Covenants 138:7–60 LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson (Unit 31)  
Lesson 156 Church Organizations and Programs LDV HELPS
Lesson 157 Official Declaration 2 LDV HELPS
Lesson 158 Hastening the Work of Salvation LDV HELPS
Lesson 159 The Family: A Proclamation to the World LDV HELPS
Lesson 160 The Living Prophet LDV HELPS
Home-Study Lesson (Unit 32)



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