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A 12-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 12 Seminary Lesson: Doctrine and Covenants 25, Part 2
A 16-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 12 Seminary Lesson: Doctrine and Covenants 25, Part 1
A 20-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 32: D&C 25
Lesson Packet for Primary 5 - Valiant - Emma Smith Selects Sacred Hymns
Notes from a symposium talk by Mary Jane Woodger, 1998
CES List of Church Resources for D&C 25
Lesson ideas for D&C 25
An interview of Emma Smith in a Reader's Theater format
These are my notes from 1998 D&C Symposium, from Mary Jane Woodger’s presentation. She spoke of Emma from perspective of her pregnancies.
A fun website
Activity: "Hey, this is a "chick’s" section! What are WE doing here?"
An interesting take on singing hymns
A game specifically about D&C 25
A helpful Ensign article about Emma Smith
For the day I plan on telling some background on Emma and then going over section 25, verse by verse and talking about these 15 qualities.
Lesson ideas about music
I divided this section up in two parts. The first day I did the lesson on Emma Smith. The next day, I took the music part SM and read the scripture together.
We did a fun activity this morning that went along with Section 25.
CES Notes from a talk entitled, "D&C 25 and the Young Women Values"
36 interesting explanations