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A 20-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 81: D&C 76:81–119
Lesson ideas for teaching about D&C 76
This is one of the most powerful sections in the D&C. There is a lot in there to discuss and ponder, and it is a doctrine that is really interesting to the youth.
Idea to teach about the 3 Degrees of Glory
Lesson plan for D&C 76
Lesson ideas for D&C 76
"Qualifications to be: Sons of Perdition, Celestial, Terrestrial, Telestial"
Ideas to teach about the three kingdoms of glory
Quiz for D&C 76
I think Doctrine and Covenants 76:12 is a good application for our students. Joseph and Sidney had their understanding enlightened. That’s what I want for my students.
CES List of Church Resources for D&C 76
A quote by Elder McConkie
Idea to teach about the three kingdoms
These activities have worked well in my class to teach about not judging.