
The Living Christ - Audio

by Debra Woods

I decided to memorize The Living Christ after this was mentioned repeatedly in April 2017 General Conference.

President Russell M. Nelson spoke of it in Drawing the Power of Jesus Christ into Our Lives

as did M. Russell Ballard in his address Return and Report He said, 

Place a copy where you can see it, and take time to review each of the statements found in this inspired testimony of Christ by His special witnesses who signed it.

For my May Visiting Teaching message, I printed a copy of this document for my sisters and took it to them, suggesting they too might consider memorizing it.  One of my sisters is dyslexic and finds it impossible to memorize, and even reading is difficult, so I promised her I would record myself reading it for her.  Today, I did so!  I have uploaded it so you too can listen as you read along!

I hope you enjoy it!

The Living Christ Audio MP3

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