
2019 - Apostles Song


Learn the names of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as of October 2019 with new lyrics to a familiar tune, PRAISE TO THE MAN

Now that I have sung it several times, I can turn on the recorded accompaniment and sing it through with my eyes closed!  Try it! Picture each face as you do!

Use this photo of The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles  - they are sitting in order with President Ballard in the front left corner.

This page has biographies and photos of each person individually

Debra Woods

To the tune of "Praise to the Man" Hymn #27

M. Russell Ballard (Praise to the man who)
Jeffrey R. Holland (communed with Jehovah)
Deiter F. Uchtdorf (Jesus anointed)
David A. Bednar (that prophet and seer)
Quentin L. Cook (Blessed to open)
D. Todd Christofferson (the last dispensation)
Neil L. Anderson (kings shall extoll him)
Ronald A. Rasband (and nations revere)
Gary E. Stevenson (Hail to the prophet)
Dale G. Renlund (ascended to heaven)
Gerrit W. Gong and (traitors and tyrants)
Ulisses Soares (now fight him in vain)
Prophets, and seers, (mingling with gods he)
and revelators (can plan for his brethren)
Twelve special witnesses of      (death cannot conquer the)
Jesus Christ the Lord. (hero again.)








translated by Zazyl Moreira

Russell M. Nelson                      
(Al gran profeta) 
Dallin H. Oaks (rindamos honores.)
M. Russell Ballard (Fue ordenado por)
Robert D. Hales (Cristo Jesús)
Jeffrey R. Holland (a restaurar)
David A. Bednar (la verdad a los hombres)
Quentin L. Cook (y entregar )
D. Todd Christofferson
(a los pueblos la luz)
Neil L. Anderson (Loor al Profeta,)
Ronald A. Rasband (subido al cielo.)
Gary E. Stevenson (Despotas luchan)
y Dale G. Renlund (en vano contra él)
Prophets, videntes, (y en el cielo)
y reveladores (esta con el Padre.)
Doce testigos de       (Nunca la muerte)
Jesucristo. (le podrá vencer.)







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