
Seminary Lesson 121: The Church Moves to Northern Missouri PowerPoint


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A 26-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 121: The Church Moves to Northern Missouri

by Amber Andrus


A 26-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 121: The Church Moves to Northern Missouri


"In 1837 and 1838, the Prophet Joseph Smith and other leaders led the Church through a difficult season. As a result of economic distress, greed, faultfinding, and persecutions, 10 to 15 percent of the Saints in Kirtland, Ohio, and northern Missouri apostatized, including some prominent Church leaders. Faithful Saints in Ohio began moving to join those in northern Missouri. This lesson can help students understand and learn from historical events and give them insights into the revelations received during this period." [Introduction from the online lesson at lds.org]