
Seminary Lesson 24: D&C 19:1-22 PowerPoint


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A 21-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 24: D&C 19:1–22

by Amber Andrus


A 21-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 24: D&C 19:1–22


"In June 1829, Joseph Smith hired the printer Egbert B. Grandin to print 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon at a cost of $3,000. However, Grandin would not start the printing or even buy the type until he was guaranteed payment for the job. In the revelation contained in Doctrine and Covenants 19, likely given in the summer of 1829, the Lord commanded Martin Harris to “impart a portion of thy property … [and] pay the debt thou has contracted with the printer”. Using a portion of his farm as collateral, Martin Harris personally guaranteed payment of the cost of printing if sales of the Book of Mormon did not cover the cost." [Introduction from the online lesson at lds.org]