
D&C Lesson 9: JS-H 1:27-54; D&C 2


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A 27-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Lesson 9: JS-H 1:27–54; D&C 2

by Amber Andrus


A 27-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Lesson 9: JS-H 1:27–54; D&C 2


"Young Joseph Smith continued to affirm that he had seen a vision, and he continued to be persecuted for it. He later said that during this time, he “fell into many foolish errors, and displayed the weakness of youth”. One evening when he was 17 years old, he prayed for forgiveness and asked to know his standing before God. An angel named Moroni appeared and declared that God had a work for Joseph to do, including the translation of an ancient record written on gold plates. While explaining Joseph’s role in the Restoration of the gospel, Moroni quoted a number of prophecies from the Bible, including Malachi’s prophecy about the return of Elijah. The next day, Joseph Smith went to the hill where Moroni had said the gold plates were buried. There he received further instruction from Moroni." [Introduction from the online lesson at lds.org]