
D&C Lesson 6: JS-H 1:1-20


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A 25-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 6: JS-H 1:1-20

by Amber Andrus


A 25-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the Seminary Lesson 6: JS-H 1:1-20


"In 1838 Joseph Smith began work on his official history. In it he described his family and the places they had lived. He also detailed the unusual excitement about religion that prevailed in western New York in 1820. This religious fervor led him to “serious reflection and great uneasiness” about which church to join. After searching the scriptures, particularly James 1:5, Joseph decided to ask God in prayer for answers to his questions. In answer to his prayer, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to him." [Introduction from the online lesson at lds.org]