Fabulous digital download collection of printable classroom charts, flashcards, pocket cards, playing cards, paddle signs, coloring pages and more!
This digital download collection for Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery includes the following PDF printable files:
- Large Classroom Charts - 11" x 17" Tabloid size in greyscale (requires a large format printer) includes:
- Scripture reference
- full text of passage
- graphic icon
- Letter-size Classroom Charts - 8.5" x 11" in greyscale
- Pocket Cards - 4 per page greyscale, great for handing out to each student
- Color Flashcards -
- one side has the color icon,
- the other side has the scripture reference and KEY SCRIPTURE PHRASE
- fold in half and laminate
- Paddle Signs
- full color circles, 2 per page with color icons
- great for playing games
- Playing Cards
- color icons only
- scripture reference only
- key phrase
- Doctrinal Mastery topic icons
- attractive backs
- print both sides, laminate and cut out
- Coloring Pages - features:
- Scripture reference
- Outline versions of the graphic icons
- Text of the key phrase
- Full-page or half-page options
- Page at a glance with all REFERENCES, KEY SCRIPTURE PHRASE and icons on one page
- Scriptopoly Game
- Fill-in-the-blank sheets (coming soon)
You will receive an email confirmation and an email with a link to the collection with unlimited access, so new items will be added.
Permissions allow you to print enough for YOUR CLASS, or if you are a stake supervisor, one set for each seminary teacher in your stake. Do not share digital files with other teachers.