
OT Lesson 41 PowerPoint: Genesis 44-46


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A 34-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 41: Genesis 44-46


by Amber Andrus


A 34-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 41: Genesis 44-46


"To prevent his brothers from returning to Canaan, Joseph accused Benjamin of being a thief. Judah offered himself as Joseph’s servant in exchange for Benjamin’s freedom. After hearing Judah express concern for their father, Jacob, who would be devastated if Benjamin did not return home, Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers and forgave them for what they had done to him. Joseph and Pharaoh then sent the brothers back to Canaan to move their father, Jacob, and his household to Egypt." [Introduction for the lesson at churchofjesuschrist.org]