
OT Lesson 35 PowerPoint: Genesis 31-32


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A 34-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 35: Genesis 31–32


by Amber Andrus


A 34-slide PowerPoint presentation for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 35: Genesis 31–32


"After working for Laban for 20 years, Jacob was commanded to “return unto the land of thy fathers,” or Canaan (Genesis 31:3). Jacob and his family departed in secret because they were afraid of what Laban might do to them. When Laban discovered their departure, he pursued them, but he ultimately let them go in peace. As they continued their journey, Jacob worried that his twin, Esau, would seek revenge on him. Jacob prepared gifts for his brother, prayed that the Lord would protect his family, and received divine assurance that he and his family would be preserved." [Introduction for the lesson at churchofjesuschrist.org]