
OT Lesson 34 PowerPoint: Genesis 28-30


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A 35-slide PowerPoint for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 34: Genesis 28-30


by Amber Andrus


A 35-slide PowerPoint for the NEW 2022 OT Lesson 34: Genesis 28-30


"Jacob departed the land of Canaan and journeyed to Padan-aram to find a suitable companion to marry in the covenant. While on this journey, Jacob saw a vision of the Lord, who promised him the same eternal blessings his grandfather Abraham had been promised (the Abrahamic covenant). In Padan-aram, Jacob worked for Laban and married Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah, who eventually bore him twelve sons and one daughter." [Introduction for the lesson at churchofjesuschrist.org]