Delightful Printable teaching aids for the 24 D&C Doctrinal Mastery passages for 2025!

This product includes printable PDF files for the 24 D&C Doctrinal Mastery passages in these formats:
- 11x17 grey scale Classroom charts with full text of the passages
- 8.5" x 11" grey scale Classroom charts with full text of passages
- 4 per page grey scale pocket charts with full text
- 8.5x11 coloring pages with outline of images only and a line to write the scripture reference
- 8.5x11 full-page color posters featuring the 24 Doctrinal Mastery verses for the Doctrine & Covenants.
- beautiful, memorable color illustration
- bold scripture reference
- doctrinal key-phrase for that passage
- 2 per page full color circle Paddle Signs to use for games
- Full color Flashcards with an illustration on one side and the scripture reference and key phrase on the other to help memorize
Encourages retention of the meaning of each passage.
Print for your seminary classroom, for your home, or as a handout for your students!