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A 17-slide PowerPoint for Week 10 Seminary Lesson: Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41
A 19-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 10 Seminary Lesson: Luke 7:36–50
A 17-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 10 Seminary Lesson: Mark 2:1–12
A 17-slide PowerPoint for the Week 10 Seminary Lesson: Matthew 8; Luke 7:11–17
A 22-slide PowerPoint Presentation for Luke 7:18–50
A 26-slide PowerPoint Presentation for Mark 4-5
32 slide PowerPoint Presentation for New Testament Mark 2-3
Ask the students if they believe "traditions of their fathers” exist today.
Magazine Articles
Lesson by MarGene Von Forell
Comment by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
It's difficult to say with any certainty.
We can obtain forgiveness for our sins, no matter how bad they are.
John Newton, 1779, from Olney Hymns, vol. 1, hymn 98
Jesus knows each of us and will give us conditions that will only bless us.
Video Ideas
Divide class into 3 groups and have each group report on answering questions
An excerpt from a talk by Pres. Hunter on reading and pondering the scriptures
Let students sow their own seeds
Lesson idea from MarGene Von Forell
Ask the student to describe situations in which they may find themselves where there are people (including Satan) who would seek to do them harm--either physically or spiritually.
Why would the healing of sick souls be greater than the healing of sick bodies?
Give each student a pair of disposal rubber gloves to wear during class.
Christ is the ultimate "action hero."
Give each student a disability.
Can you guess who?
"Miracles of Jesus Show The Power & Authority of God"
Ensign Article