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A 16-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 18 Seminary Lesson: John 11:1–46, Part 2
A 21-slide PowerPoint for the Week 18 Seminary Lesson: John 11:1–46, Part 1
A 20-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 18 Seminary Lesson: Luke 17:11–19
A 21-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 18 Seminary Lesson: Luke 15
A 16-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 17 Seminary Lesson: John 10
A 12-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 17 Seminary Lesson: John 9
A 14-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 17 Seminary Lesson: John 8
An 18-slide PowerPoint presentation for the Week 17 Seminary Lesson: John 7
A 25-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Luke 17
A 26-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT: Luke 16
A 22-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Luke 15
A 24-slide PowerPoint Presentation for the NT Lesson 52: Luke 13-14
36 Slide PowerPoint Presentation following New Testament Lesson 71 about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead
Whether for Harvest Time, Thanksgiving or Trick-or-Treat - here are some ways to spice up this lesson!
To emphasize the messages in (Unjust Steward and The Rich Man and Lazarus) we did this General Authority Headshots activity
Magazine Articles
Lesson by MarGene Von Forell
We are all like Lazarus, beloved of the Lord.
Lazarus and his family
Reader's Theater of John 11
Help students "feel" how much Christ wanted to go to Mary, Martha and Lazarus.
Video tells the story of the rich man and Lazarus
Show page of Business Section of newspaper showing stocks, have Wall Street Journal, Stock Prospectus
Discuss how the healing of the 10 differed from the healing of the one
As the students enter the room, give each a piece of candy
For the closing prayer, ask the student to only give thanks
Will you say "Thank You"?
Painting of an elderly gentleman.
A few thoughts on the sheep, the coin and the prodigal son
Excellent talk:Submitted by Linda Harper - Here's an excellent talk: Jeffrey R. Holland, "The Other Prodigal," Ensign, May 2002, 62
BYU devotional
The Prodigal Son
Luke 15 distills the essence of the Plan of Salvation.
This article begins with more thoughts from our prophet on building interfaith understanding.
July 1993 First Presidency Message
U.S. News and World Report, November 13, 2000, page 60.
Play "The Price is Right" to introduce Luke 14:24-33
Vanity is what hypocrites exhibit.
The parable of the fig tree.
Great Hymn for Good Samaritan is #220, "Lord I would follow Thee"