
Church Leader Quotes 2 Nephi 11-19

Church Leader Quotes

by Garvin Smith


A collection of quotes on this set of chapters from the Book of Mormon by church leaders over the years. These are MSWord doc files.


There were very few comments for these chapters in 2 Nephi and I was thrilled!

I thought I could get ahead a week or two and take it easy. But Nooooo!
I realized that these were the "Isaiah chapters."So I looked at comments for the companion chapters in Isaiah.
My elation at the opportunity to get ahead was ruined, shattered, crushed, destroyed, demolished, obliterated, and annihilated.
I felt like I had been thrust (not pushed, not shoved, but thrust) into a pit from which there was no escape.
Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction.
But . . . 
Girding up my loins and taking fresh courage, I went to work.
And I completed these chapters.
Ahh, the warmth of sunlight on my face as I climb out of the pit of despair. I was elated!
Until . . . 
I see that there are four more "Isaiah chapters" and my elation was once again ruined, shattered, crushed, destroyed, demolished, obliterated, and annihilated.
Woe is me!
Woe, woe, woe!
P.S. Be sure to see my comments on chapter 18: 1-3.

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