
2025 Seminary Life Preparation Skills

Life Preparation lessons give students opportunities to apply the Savior’s teachings in their lives.  There are 10 categories with several lessons in each category.  

Try to teach two Life Preparation lessons each week. Some weeks you may teach more than this and other weeks you might teach fewer, but on average you should try to teach two lessons a week as often as possible. This will provide an opportunity for students to be taught each of these lessons during the school year. It is not usually necessary for you to teach these lessons in a particular order, although there are a few lessons that draw upon ideas taught in prior lessons.

The OVERVIEW for each of the categories of Life Preparation lessons can be a valuable resource in helping you make decisions about when to teach certain Life Preparation lessons. These overviews will help you quickly see the lesson purposes for the different Life Preparation lessons, as well as pacing suggestions about possible times of the year you could consider teaching them.

Be sure to obtain a copy of a pacing guide provided for you by your coordinator or program administrator.

LatterdayVillage is adding PowerPoints in the order of the numbered lessons.  If you do not see a PPTX file for a lesson you are teaching, consider sharing YOUR ideas with us so we can make them available for other teachers.

Doctrinal Mastery: Finding Answers to My Questions: Overview
Lesson 164—Strengthening Your Spiritual Foundation LDV HELPS
Lesson 165—Seeking Personal Revelation for My Questions LDV HELPS
Lesson 166—Acting in Faith to Find Answers LDV HELPS
Lesson 167—Examining Gospel Topics and Questions with an Eternal Perspective LDV HELPS
Lesson 168—Turning to Divinely Appointed Sources to Help Find Answers LDV HELPS
Scripture-Study Skills: Overview
Lesson 169—Focusing on Jesus Christ in the Scriptures LDV HELPS
Lesson 170—Finding Gospel Truths in the Scriptures LDV HELPS
Lesson 171—Annotating Scriptures LDV HELPS
Lesson 172—Scripture-Study Tools LDV HELPS
Lesson 173—Understanding the Context of Scriptures LDV HELPS
For the Strength of Youth: Making Choices: Overview  
Lesson 174—For the Strength of Youth Guide LDV HELPS
Lesson 175—Setting Goals LDV HELPS
Lesson 176—Our Divine Identity and Purpose LDV HELPS
Lesson 177—Taking Charge of Technology LDV HELPS
Lesson 178—Patriarchal Blessings LDV HELPS
Lesson 179—Sustaining Our Leaders LDV HELPS
Building Self-Reliance: Overview
Lesson 180—Building Self-Reliance in the Lord’s Way LDV HELPS
Lesson 181—Faith in Jesus Christ to Build Self-Reliance LDV HELPS
Lesson 182—Managing Financial Resources Wisely LDV HELPS
Lesson 183—Self-Reliance Enables Us to Better Care for Others LDV HELPS
Physical and Emotional Health: Overview
Lesson 184—Caring for Our Physical Bodies LDV HELPS
Lesson 185—Building Emotional Strength in the Lord LDV HELPS
Lesson 186—Developing Healthy Thinking Patterns LDV HELPS
Lesson 187—Managing Stress and Anxiety LDV HELPS
Lesson 188—Coping with Sadness and Depression LDV HELPS
Lesson 189—Being Perfected in Jesus Christ LDV HELPS
Lesson 190—Building Healthy Relationships LDV HELPS
Preparing for Future Education and Employment: Overview
Lesson 191—The Importance of Education LDV HELPS
Lesson 192—Education for the Whole Soul LDV HELPS
Lesson 193—Discovering Your Strengths and Abilities LDV HELPS
Lesson 194—Developing Skills and Abilities LDV HELPS
Succeeding in School: Overview
Lesson 195—Involving the Lord in Your Learning LDV HELPS
Lesson 196—Integrity in Our Education LDV HELPS
Lesson 197—Preparing for Tests and Challenging Projects LDV HELPS
Lesson 198—Growth Mindset LDV HELPS
Missionary Preparation: Overview
Lesson 199—Sharing the Gospel out of Christlike Love LDV HELPS
Lesson 200—Love, Share, and Invite LDV HELPS
Lesson 201—Choosing to Serve a Mission LDV HELPS
Lesson 202—The Book of Mormon Is a Conversion Tool LDV HELPS
Lesson 203—Diligence in Missionary Work LDV HELPS
Temple Preparation: Overview
Lesson 204—Jesus Christ Is at the Center of All Temple Worship LDV HELPS
Lesson 205—Making Temple Worship a Lifelong Pursuit LDV HELPS
Lesson 206—In the Temple, We Covenant to Keep the Law of Consecration LDV HELPS
Lesson 207—Family History and Temple Service LDV HELPS
Teachings of Church Leaders: Overview
Lesson 208—Preparing for General Conference LDV HELPS
Lesson 209—Studying the Messages of the Lord’s Servants LDV HELPS
Lesson 210—Template: Teachings of Church Leaders LDV HELPS
Lesson 211—“Choices for Eternity LDV HELPS


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