Life Preparation lessons give students opportunities to apply the Savior’s teachings in their lives. There are 10 categories with several lessons in each category.
Try to teach two Life Preparation lessons each week. Some weeks you may teach more than this and other weeks you might teach fewer, but on average you should try to teach two lessons a week as often as possible. This will provide an opportunity for students to be taught each of these lessons during the school year. It is not usually necessary for you to teach these lessons in a particular order, although there are a few lessons that draw upon ideas taught in prior lessons.
The OVERVIEW for each of the categories of Life Preparation lessons can be a valuable resource in helping you make decisions about when to teach certain Life Preparation lessons. These overviews will help you quickly see the lesson purposes for the different Life Preparation lessons, as well as pacing suggestions about possible times of the year you could consider teaching them.
Be sure to obtain a copy of a pacing guide provided for you by your coordinator or program administrator.
LatterdayVillage is adding PowerPoints in the order of the numbered lessons. If you do not see a PPTX file for a lesson you are teaching, consider sharing YOUR ideas with us so we can make them available for other teachers.