
2024 Book of Mormon Seminary

Book of Mormon

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Week 22 - Mosiah 25–28 Overview


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Introduction to the Book of Mormon Seminary Teacher Manual




WEEK 1 - Introductory Materials Overview

Lesson 1

The Plan of Salvation - Heavenly Father’s Plan for His Children LDV HELPS

Lesson 2

Studying the Scriptures - Hold Fast to the Word of God LDV HELPS

Lesson 3

Learning by the Spirit - “By the Power of the Holy Ghost” LDV HELPS

Lesson 4

Learning by Faith - The Role of the Learner LDV HELPS

Lesson 5

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 1 - Act in Faith LDV HELPS

WEEK 2 - Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon - Overview

Lesson 6

Title Page - The Purpose of the Book of Mormon LDV HELPS

Lesson 7

Introduction to the Book of Mormon - The Keystone of Our Religion LDV HELPS

Lesson 8

Joseph Smith’s Testimony of the Book of Mormon - “Translated … by the Gift and Power of God” LDV HELPS

Lesson 9

The Testimonies of Three Witnesses and Eight Witnesses - “We … Have Seen the Plates” LDV HELPS

Lesson 10

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 2 - Examine Concepts and Questions with an Eternal Perspective LDV HELPS

WEEK 3 - 1 Nephi 1–5 - Overview

Lesson 11

1 Nephi 1 - “There Came Many Prophets” LDV HELPS

Lesson 12

1 Nephi 2 - “Thou Hast Sought Me Diligently” LDV HELPS

Lesson 13

1 Nephi 3 - God Prepares a Way     LDV HELPS

Lesson 14

Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Nephi 3:7 - “I Will Go and Do the Things Which the Lord Hath Commanded” LDV HELPS

Lesson 15

1 Nephi 4–5 - “I Was Led by the Spirit”     LDV HELPS

WEEK 4 - 1 Nephi 6–10 - Overview

Lesson 16

1 Nephi 6–7 - Identifying “the Things of God”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 17

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 3 - Seek Further Understanding through Divinely Appointed Sources     LDV HELPS

Lesson 18

1 Nephi 8:1–18 - The Love of God Is the Most Desirable above All Things     LDV HELPS

Lesson 19

1 Nephi 8:19–38 - Hold Fast to the Word of God     LDV HELPS

Lesson 20

1 Nephi 10; 11:1–6 - “That I Might See, and Hear, and Know”     LDV HELPS

WEEK 5 - 1 Nephi 11–15 - Overview

Lesson 21

1 Nephi 11 - “Behold the Condescension of God!”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 22

1 Nephi 13–14 - “Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 23

1 Nephi 13:20–42 - Plain and Precious Truths     LDV HELPS

Lesson 24

Assess Your Learning 1 - 1 Nephi 1–15     LDV HELPS

Lesson 25

Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery Review 1 - Mark and Memorize LDV HELPS

WEEK 6 - 1 Nephi 16–22 - Overview

Lesson 26

1 Nephi 16–18 - The Liahona: A Guide in the Wilderness     LDV HELPS

Lesson 27

1 Nephi 16–17 - Acting in Faith in Difficult Situations     LDV HELPS

Lesson 28

1 Nephi 17–18 - “I Did Look unto My God”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 29

1 Nephi 19–22 - “They May Forget, yet Will I Not Forget Thee”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 30

Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery Review 2 - Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases     LDV HELPS

WEEK 7 - 2 Nephi 1–2 - Overview

Lesson 31

2 Nephi 1 - Finding Gospel Principles   LDV HELPS

Lesson 32

2 Nephi 2:1–16 - “God Gave unto Man That He Should Act for Himself”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 33

2 Nephi 2:17–26 - “Redeemed from the Fall"     LDV HELPS

Lesson 34

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 2:25 - “Adam Fell That Men Might Be; and Men Are, That They Might Have Joy” LDV HELPS

Lesson 35

2 Nephi 2:26–30 - Free to Choose LDV HELPS

WEEK 8 - 2 Nephi 3–5 - Overview

Lesson 36

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 2:27 - We Are Free to Choose Through the Great Mediator     LDV HELPS

Lesson 37

2 Nephi 3 - “A Choice Seer Will I Raise Up”     LDV HELPS

Lesson 38

2 Nephi 4 - Nephi’s Psalm     LDV HELPS

Lesson 39

2 Nephi 5:1–9 - The Warnings of God     LDV HELPS

Lesson 40

2 Nephi 5 - Living after the Manner of Happiness LDV HELPS

WEEK 9 - 2 Nephi 6–10 - Overview

Lesson 41

2 Nephi 6; 10 - The Gathering of Israel    

Lesson 42

2 Nephi 9:1–26 - “An Infinite Atonement”    

Lesson 43

2 Nephi 9:27–49 - “To Be Spiritually-Minded Is Life Eternal”    

Lesson 44

2 Nephi 9:50–52 - “Come Unto the Holy One of Israel”    

Lesson 45

Doctrinal Mastery Review 3 - Understand and Explain    

WEEK 10 - 2 Nephi 11–19 - Overview

Lesson 46

2 Nephi 11 - Witnesses of Christ

Lesson 47

2 Nephi 12–15 - “It Shall Come to Pass in the Last Days”    

Lesson 48

2 Nephi 16 - “Holy, Holy, Holy, Is the Lord”    

Lesson 49

2 Nephi 17–19 - The Titles and Roles of Jesus Christ    

Lesson 50

Doctrinal Mastery Review 4

WEEK 11 - 2 Nephi 20–25 - Overview

Lesson 51

2 Nephi 21–24 - The Millennium    

Lesson 52

2 Nephi 25 - Saved by Jesus Christ    

Lesson 53

Assess Your Learning 2 - 1 Nephi 16–2 Nephi 25    

Lesson 54

2 Nephi 26 - Seeing, Loving, and Treating Others as God Does    

Lesson 55

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 26:33 - “All Are Alike unto God”

WEEK 12 - 2 Nephi 26–30 - Overview

Lesson 56

2 Nephi 27 - “A Marvelous Work and a Wonder”    

Lesson 57

2 Nephi 28:1–26 - Identifying and Overcoming the Tactics of Satan    

Lesson 58

2 Nephi 28:27–32 - “Unto Him that Receiveth [God] Will Give More”

Lesson 59

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 28:30 - "Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept”

Lesson 60

2 Nephi 29 - Receive More of God’s Word    

WEEK 13 - 2 Nephi 31–33 - Overview

Lesson 61

2 Nephi 31:1–13 - “Following the Example of the Son of the Living God”    

Lesson 62

2 Nephi 31:14–21 - “Ye Must Press Forward”    

Lesson 63

2 Nephi 32:1–7 - “Feast upon the Words of Christ”    

Lesson 64

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:3 - “Feast upon the Words of Christ..."

Lesson 65

2 Nephi 32:8–9 - “Ye Must Pray Always”

WEEK 14 - Jacob 1–4 - Overview

Lesson 66

Doctrinal Mastery: 2 Nephi 32:8–9 - “Ye Must Pray Always”    

Lesson 67

Jacob 1 - Persuade Others to Come unto Christ    

Lesson 68

Jacob 2:1–21 - “Let Not This Pride … Destroy Your Souls”    

Lesson 69

Jacob 2:22–35 - The Law of Chastity

Lesson 70

Jacob 4 - “Our Faith Becometh Unshaken”    

Week 15 -Jacob 5–7 Overview

Lesson 71

Jacob 5:1–53 “The Lord of the Vineyard”


Lesson 72

Jacob 5:54–77; 6:1–13 “How Blessed Are They Who Have Labored Diligently in His Vineyard”


Lesson 73

Jacob 7 - Unshaken Faith in Jesus Christ


Lesson 74

Assess Your Learning 3 - 2 Nephi 26–Jacob 7


Lesson 75

Doctrinal Mastery Review 5 - Memorize Scripture References and Key Phrases

Week 16 - Enos–Words of Mormon Overview

Lesson 76

Enos - Faith in Jesus Christ Can Bring Forgiveness of Sins    

Lesson 77

Jarom–Omni - Offer Your Whole Soul to Jesus Christ    

Lesson 78

Words of Mormon - “For a Wise Purpose”    

Lesson 79

Mosiah 1 - “Were It Not for These Plates”    

Lesson 80

Doctrinal Mastery Review 6 - Understand and Explain    

Week 17 - Mosiah 1–3 Overview

Lesson 81

Mosiah 2:1–18 - “In the Service of Your Fellow Beings”    

Lesson 82

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 2:17 - “In the Service of Your God”    

Lesson 83

Mosiah 2:19–41 - “Blessed in All Things”    

Lesson 84

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 2:41 - “The Blessed and Happy State of Those That Keep the Commandments of God”    

Lesson 85

Mosiah 3:1–17 - Salvation through Jesus Christ    

Week 18 - Mosiah 4–6 Overview

Lesson 86

Mosiah 3:19 - Putting Off the Natural Man

Lesson 87

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 3:19 - “[Put] Off the Natural Man and [Become] a Saint through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”

Lesson 88

Mosiah 4 - “Always Retain a Remission of Your Sins”

Lesson 89

Mosiah 4:9–10 - “Believe in God”

Lesson 90

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 4:9 - “Believe in God”

Week 19 - Mosiah 7–10 Overview

Lesson 91

Mosiah 5:1–5 - No More Desire to Do Evil

Lesson 92

Mosiah 5:6–15 - “Take upon You the Name of Christ”

Lesson 93

Mosiah 7–8 - The Lord’s Prophets as Seers

Lesson 94

Mosiah 9–10 - “In the Strength of the Lord”

Lesson 95

Doctrinal Mastery Review 7 - Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages

Week 20 - Mosiah 11–17 Overview

Lesson 96

Mosiah 11–17 - “Repent and Turn unto the Lord”

Lesson 97

Mosiah 12–13 - Having Commandments Written in Your Heart

Lesson 98

Mosiah 14–16 - Redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ

Lesson 99

Assess Your Learning 4 Enos–Mosiah 17

Lesson 100

Doctrinal Mastery Review 8 - Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases

Week 21 - Mosiah 18–24 Overview 

Lesson 101

Mosiah 18 - The Baptismal Covenant    

Lesson 102

Doctrinal Mastery: Mosiah 18:8–10 - “Ye Have Entered into a Covenant with Him”

Lesson 103

Mosiah 19–20 - “The Words of Abinadi Fulfilled”    

Lesson 104

Mosiah 21–24, Part 1 - Finding the Lord’s Purposes for Our Trials and Afflictions    

Lesson 105

Mosiah 21–24, Part 2 - Turning to the Lord for Deliverance from Trials    

Week 22 - Mosiah 25–28 Overview 

Lesson 106

Mosiah 26 - “If He Confess His Sins … and Repenteth”    

Lesson 107

Mosiah 27:1–24 - “He Has Prayed with Much Faith Concerning Thee”    

Lesson 108

Mosiah 27:24–37 - “Born of God”  


Lesson 109

Mosiah 28 - Personal Conversion and Sharing the Gospel    

Lesson 110

Doctrinal Mastery Review 9 - Understanding and Explaining Truths    

Week 23 - Mosiah 29–Alma 4 - Overview

Lesson 111

Alma 1:1–18 - The Evils of Priestcraft    

Lesson 112

Alma 1:19–33 - Finding Peace in Christ by Remaining Faithful through Persecution    

Lesson 113

Alma 2–3 - Whom We Choose to Obey    

Lesson 114

Alma 4 - The Stumbling Block of Pride

Lesson 115

Doctrinal Mastery Review 10 - Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages    

Week 24 - Alma 5–7 Overview

Lesson 116

Alma 5:1–32 - Alma’s Questions for Self-Evaluation    

Lesson 117

Alma 5:33–62 - “The Good Shepherd Doth Call You”    

Lesson 118

Alma 7:1–13 - That He May Succor His People

Lesson 119

DM: Alma 7:11–13 - “And He Shall Go Forth, Suffering Pains and Afflictions and Temptations of Every Kind”

Lesson 120

Alma 7:14–27 - “The Path which Leads to the Kingdom of God”

Week 25 Alma 8–12 Overview

Lesson 121

Alma 8 - Hearing and Obeying Heavenly Father    

Lesson 122

Alma 9 - Remember the Lord’s Blessings    

Lesson 123 

Alma 10–11 - “According to the Spirit of the Lord”    

Lesson 124

Alma 12 - A Hard or Soft Heart  

Lesson 125

Doctrinal Mastery Review 11 - Memorize and Understand    

Week 26 - Alma 13–16 Overview

Lesson 126

Alma 13 - “That Ye May Enter into That Rest”    

Lesson 127

Alma 14 - “Be It According to the Will of the Lord”    

Lesson 128

Alma 15 - The Healing Power of Jesus Christ    

Lesson 129

Assess Your Learning 5 - Mosiah 18–Alma 16    


Lesson 130

Doctrinal Mastery Review 12 - Understand and Apply

Week 27 - Alma 17–22 Overview

Lesson 131

Alma 17 - “According to the Word and Power of God”    

Lesson 132

Alma 18 - Ammon Serves and Teaches King Lamoni    

Lesson 133

Alma 19 - “His Arm Is Extended to All Who Repent and Believe"    

Lesson 134

Alma 20–22 - “What Shall I Do That I May Have … Eternal Life?”    

Lesson 135

Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Part 4 - Finding Answers to Spiritual Questions

Week 28 - Alma 23–29 Overview

Lesson 136

Alma 23 - They “Never Did Fall Away”    

Lesson 137

Alma 24 - “We Will Bury Them Deep in the Earth”    

Lesson 138

Alma 26 - “We Will Glory in the Lord”    

Lesson 139

Alma 29 - The Desires of Our Hearts    

Lesson 140

Doctrinal Mastery Review 13 - Locate and Mark Alma 7:11–13 through Moroni 10:4–5

Week 29 - Alma 30–31 Overview

Lesson 141

Alma 30:1–29 - Korihor’s Teachings Lead Many Away from the Savior    

Lesson 142

Alma 30:30–60 - “There Is a Supreme Creator”

Lesson 143

Alma 31:1–11 - “The Virtue of the Word of God”    

Lesson 144

Alma 31:12–38 - Our Worship of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

Lesson 145

Doctrinal Mastery Review 14 - Memorize References and Key Scripture Phrases


Week 30 - Alma 32–35 Overview

Lesson 146

Alma 32 - “Strengthen Your Faith”    

Lesson 147

Alma 33 - Teaching the Savior’s Gospel    

Lesson 148

Alma 34:1–17 - Jesus Christ’s Infinite and Eternal Atonement    

Lesson 149

Doctrinal Mastery: Alma 34:9–10 - “There Must Be an Atonement Made, … an Infinite and Eternal Sacrifice.”

Lesson 150

Alma 34:17–41 - This Life Is the Time to Prepare to Meet God

Week 31 - Alma 36–39 Overview

Lesson 151

Alma 36 - “I Could Remember My Pains No More”    

Lesson 152

Alma 37 - “By Small and Simple Things”    

Lesson 153

Alma 37–38 - “Learn in Thy Youth”    

Lesson 154

Alma 39 - “Cross Yourself in These Things”    

Lesson 155

Doctrinal Mastery: Alma 39:9 - “Go No More After the Lusts of Your Eyes”

Week 32 - Alma 40–42 Overview

Lesson 156

Alma 40 - The Spirit World and Resurrection    

Lesson 157

Alma 41 - Jesus Christ Restores All Things    

Lesson 158

Doctrinal Mastery: Alma 41:10 - “Wickedness Never Was Happiness”

Lesson 159

Alma 42, Part 1 - “A Perfect, Just God, and a Merciful God Also”    

Lesson 160

Alma 42, Part 2 - “Mercy Claimeth the Penitent”

Week 33 - Alma 43–52 Overview

Lesson 161

Alma 43, 48–50 - Learning from the War Chapters    

Lesson 162

Alma 45–46 - Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty    

Lesson 163

Alma 47–48 - Amalickiah and Lehonti    

Lesson 164

Assess Your Learning 6 - Alma 17–Alma 52

Lesson 165

Doctrinal Mastery Review 15 - Understand and Explain

Week 34 - Alma 53–63 Overview

Lesson 166

Alma 53 - Keeping Our Covenants

Lesson 167

Alma 56 - 2,000 Stripling Warriors    

Lesson 168

Alma 57 - Striving to Obey the Commandments Continually

Lesson 169

Alma 59–61 - Choosing Not to Be Offended    

Lesson 170

Doctrinal Mastery Review 16 - Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages    


Introduction to The Book of Helaman

Lesson 106

Helaman 1–2


Lesson 107

Helaman 3–4


Lesson 108

Helaman 5


Lesson 109

Helaman 6–7


Lesson 110

Helaman 8–9

Home-Study Lesson

Helaman 1–9 (Unit 22)



Lesson 111

Helaman 10


Lesson 112

Helaman 11–12


Lesson 113

Helaman 13


Lesson 114

Helaman 14


Lesson 115

Helaman 15–16

Home-Study Lesson

Helaman 10–16 (Unit 23)



Introduction to Third Nephi: The Book of Nephi

Lesson 116

3 Nephi 1


Lesson 117

3 Nephi 2–5


Lesson 118

3 Nephi 6–7


Lesson 119

3 Nephi 8–10


Lesson 120

3 Nephi 11:1–17

Home-Study Lesson

3 Nephi 1–11:17 (Unit 24)



Lesson 121

3 Nephi 11:18–41


Lesson 122

3 Nephi 12


Lesson 123

3 Nephi 13


Lesson 124

3 Nephi 14


Lesson 125

3 Nephi 15–16

Home-Study Lesson

3 Nephi 11:18–16:20 (Unit 25)



Lesson 126

3 Nephi 17


Lesson 127

3 Nephi 18


Lesson 128

3 Nephi 19


Lesson 129

3 Nephi 20


Lesson 130

3 Nephi 21–22

Home-Study Lesson

3 Nephi 17–22 (Unit 26)



Lesson 131

3 Nephi 23


Lesson 132

3 Nephi 24–26


Lesson 133

3 Nephi 27


Lesson 134

3 Nephi 28


Lesson 135

3 Nephi 29–30

Home-Study Lesson

3 Nephi 23–30 (Unit 27)



Introduction to Fourth Nephi: The Book of Nephi

Lesson 136

4 Nephi

Introduction to The Book of Mormon

Lesson 137

Mormon 1–2


Lesson 138

Mormon 3–4


Lesson 139

Mormon 5–6


Lesson 140

Mormon 7–8:11

Home-Study Lesson

4 Nephi 1–Mormon 8:11 (Unit 28)



Lesson 141

Mormon 8:12–41


Lesson 142

Mormon 9

Introduction to The Book of Ether

Lesson 143

Ether 1


Lesson 144

Ether 2


Lesson 145

Ether 3

Home-Study Lesson

Mormon 8:12–Ether 3 (Unit 29)



Lesson 146

Ether 4–5


Lesson 147

Ether 6


Lesson 148

Ether 7–11


Lesson 149

Ether 12:1–22


Lesson 150

Ether 12:23–41

Home-Study Lesson

Ether 4–12 (Unit 30)



Lesson 151

Ether 13–15

Introduction to The Book of Moroni

Lesson 152

Moroni 1–3


Lesson 153

Moroni 4–5


Lesson 154

Moroni 6


Lesson 155

Moroni 7:1–19

Home-Study Lesson

Ether 13–Moroni 7:19 (Unit 31)



Lesson 156

Moroni 7:20–48


Lesson 157

Moroni 8


Lesson 158

Moroni 9


Lesson 159

Moroni 10:1–7, 27–29


Lesson 160

Moroni 10:8–26, 30–34

Home-Study Lesson

Moroni 7:20–10:34 (Unit 32)




Scripture Reading Charts


Pacing Guide for Daily Teachers


Suggestions for Flexible Days


Pacing Guide for Home-Study Teachers


Introduction to Scripture Mastery




Scripture Mastery Activities


100 Scripture Mastery Passages


Introduction to Basic Doctrines




Basic Doctrines


The Plates and Their Relationship to the Published B of M


Overview of Journeys in Mosiah 7–24




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