
How to Add Tabs to a New Bible

How to Add Tabs to a New Bible

by Debra Woods

I have been using a set of large print leather-bound scriptures for a couple decades.  I decided it was time to get some new scriptures to use for the new Come Follow Me curriculum study at home and church.  I went to the Church Distribution Center and picked up a new cheap Holy Bible and triple combination.

I like that it is smaller than my huge heavy large print 20 year old bible, but, it doesn't have tabs!  So I decided to create some myself!  I purchased some "Sticker Note Flags" at Walmart. The pack came in 10 colors.  I turned to the beginning of the bible - to the page with "The Names and Order of All the Books of the Old and New Testaments."

Then I wrote the abbreviated names of the New Testament books on the flags with a fine point black Sharpie.

You can see here where I had the first 10 added.

I applied the flags to the first page of each book.  I turned to the starting page of the Book of Matthew and put the first flag at the top left corner, making sure the adhesive part was completely on the page.  After the first one, to line them up butted up against each other, I laid the flag upside down on the right side of the first page of the Book of Mark, lined up just below Matthew.  The adhesive was facing up, and then I took the next page and turned it so the adhesive would stick to it.  I had to be careful that it didn't stick to my finger but stayed in place so it would be in line.

Here it is after turning the next page and pressing it into the adhesive:

Here I am lining up the next flag. It's nice that they are see-thru, as some of them do cover a bit of text.

After I got to the bottom, I started up at the top again.  After the named books, I added tabs for the Appendix items.  Here is what it looked like done.  Hopefully they will hold up.  

As I study, there are many footnotes and cross-references etc that point to every other book of scripture. Now I'll have to make tabs for the Old Testament and all the books in the triple combination! I also want to figure a way to add ribbon bookmarks!

I think this would be a great Sabbath activity for the whole family, or for FHE.

Happy studying in 2019!




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