
How can I become a better leader?

(click on each picture for the pdf downloadable version to be displayed)

Links for all black and white lesson helps are included at the bottom of the page

How Can I Become a Better Leader?

8.5" x 11" Poster:

Display the poster at the beginning of the lesson to help introduce the lesson. This is a great way to get the kids thinking and discussing the topic. 

Scripture Cards:

I have included a card for each scripture listed in the lesson.  As always I have included blank ones for any additional scriptures you feel need to be added.

Learning Together Activity:


Put the board strip "Leader" on the board. Invite the youth to take a minute to think about someone they think is a good leader. Have them think about what qualities the person has that makes them a good leader. Have your class share their thoughts. Place a picture of the Savior on the board. Invite the class to share some qualities the Savior had. Write those qualities on the board. Place a picture of President Monson on the board. Invite the youth to share what qualities President Monson has. Point out that many of the qualities that President Monson has are the same as the Savior.  Now have your class read the account in Matthew 20:20-28.  Ask them how the Savior invites us to lead.



Divide the class into 4 groups and have them read "The Power of the Priesthood in the Boy" Have each group search the article for information on the assigned leadership principle.  Have them share what they find.  These worksheets will print 2 per page.

Journal Cards:

These will print 3 per page.  Conclude your lesson by having your class fill in their journal cards.  This will help them choose an aspect of the lesson to work on in their own lives.  The journal card can be placed in their own personal journals, inside their scriptures, or hung on a peg board. 



There are 2 handouts to choose from, a bookmark and then a 4 x 4 standard handout.  You could hand out both or just one. Both will print 4 per page.

These little handouts can be used in numerous ways.  They are the perfect size for the youth to use on their bulletin boards at home, taped in their locker at school, they can be collected throughout the year and made into a little book by punching holes in the corners and using a key ring to attach them each week.  If your  class uses journals or smash books, these are the perfect size to tape into their individual books.

If all or most of your class have a smart phone, here is another idea to use for this: text each member of your class this handout during the week to remind them of the lesson.  To do this, right click on the picture and save image to your computer.  Then email the picture to yourself.  Retrieve the email from your smartphone and save the image onto your phone.  You can now send the image in a text to your class.



Black and White Lesson Helps:


Scripture Cards

Board Strips


Journal Cards


Bookmark Handout

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